Most Common Networking Mistakes made by Job-Seekers

Although most individuals have heard of networking, many are unaware of what it is and how beneficial it can be to their career path. Professional networking is crucial for people at all stages of their lives, from young graduates to senior executives. Networking allows you to build trusting relations with those in your professional network and with your acquaintances. A simple networking mistakes, on the contrary, could hinder any job applicant from securing a job position. A mistake cannot be made while seeking employment opportunities.


Harmony and cordial relations in any environment are considered essential. This is particularly true when others are also striving for a similar position in which you are sending in your CV.


You do not have to alter your traits to fit in a specific group, but you need to attract the energy that you feel is a good fit for you. While well-conducted networking can help you find a good job, it’s also possible to make networking mistakes, which can make your job hunt more difficult.

Networking Tips That Will Help Job-Seekers

If you wish to avoid career-threatening networking mistakes, note the following errors before they occur. 

The language and communication errors

Whatever profession you seek or sector you want to work in, you must have good communication skills—that is, the talents, attributes, and knowledge that enable you to offer and gain information. Communication works as the spine in the job search, let it be verbal, non-verbal, or written form. One should never forget to act and talk with etiquettes to professionally reflect an excellent image to the recruiter. The resume should be correct, following keywords and skills relevant to the job. 


Grammatical errors and informal wording need to be out of the list if you want to assert yourself as a worthy candidate. The famous saying goes, ‘First Impression is the Last Impression.’ Job applicants who use inappropriate language, say too much or too little, look socially awkward, or are hesitant to answer queries raise doubts about their capacity to interact with colleagues, supervisors, or contractors after recruitment.


Any contact with a potential employer is an opportunity to demonstrate your ability to communicate effectively, so take advantage of it! If a firm sees your social media profiles, especially LinkedIn, make sure our profile conveys an appropriate message adequately. Respond to emails and phone conversations professionally, and inform them of any issues that arise on your end that may impact them. Ensure to provide any requested information in a clear and timely manner. Return thank you via message or emails to the interview panel to give an impression that you value them. Leaving a negative impression with a professional connection can affect you in the long term and affect the possible networks you could have created.

Not seeking assistance

Finding a good job is all about connecting with people who can lend your name in an interview with a reputed company. Job seekers frequently make the mistake of believing that they do not require assistance in their job hunt. When you’re looking for work, though, any bit of advice you can obtain is beneficial. 


Connect with former classmates, colleagues, friends, or family members working in a company you are interested in. Companies prioritize candidates from referrals and do not hesitate to ask for help. You may also participate in social media conversations if you have virtual connections to let them know about your needs and requirements from a job.

Overly concerned about personal branding

One of the researchers has mentioned that job-seekers to find the “Perfect Job” try to show themselves as flawless to the recruiter. Certain people regard networking as an opportunity to go entirely into self-promotion, throwing on everyone they meet the “hard sell.” The objective of these individuals is to captivate as many people as possible by presenting more and more about themselves. 


Many people are put off by loudmouths who show minimal regard for others; thus, this frequently has the reverse effect of what they anticipated. It consumes the time of the applicant and the recruiter giving no result in return. People focus more on showing themselves as their authentic best selves, which doesn’t matter to the hiring managers. Too concerned about self-image or branding yourself as the best candidate often leads to missing a good opportunity.

Waiting to build connections when you need one

Not building connections from the start is the major backstep you can ever make until you need one. Maintain contacts with any professional expert you come across that can help, guide or refer you to any company in the future. For your networking efforts to be helpful, you must also approach and establish connections with industry professionals. 


A person should emphasize meeting and developing connections with companions who work in your profession or know about the industry you want to pursue. The professional network can include College professors, classmates, coworkers, professional clubs or associations, and family members working in various sectors.


Networking is a two-way street- to receive help, you need to help others. Keep your networks informed about your job progress as you maintain contact with them. You should also provide them pertinent news and information and potential opportunities that might interest them. 


Look for ways to repay the gratitude to the people who helped you find a good job. There can be excellent ways to support the individuals that help you during your job hunt, whether it’s there for them while they work for their promotion or assisting them in finding a mentor.

Lack of willingness to Follow Up

Considering networking is usually the initial step in the job hunt, it should be regarded with seriousness and professionalism as the recruitment process or its functions. 


Some Recruiters connect with you via email or message and send you a confirmation to join the meeting link or call them to know the selection process in the company. Contacting back late or forgetting about such mails pass up your opportunity to get into a good company, reflecting your unreliability and lack of power to make decisions to the recruiter.


There’s always a reason you don’t hear back from a firm right away. The hiring process has many moving parts, and vacant positions change frequently. 

But after connecting with a potential company, make sure to trace their steps and connect with them on time to take a review of your selection process. 


Employers sometimes fail to reach you because of online or telephonic errors on both ends. In such cases, even if you were qualified for the job, you won’t get to hear from them again. To verify such cases, contact the employer to follow their recruitment procedure within a given time.


Networking may take various forms. You may open up new realms of networking prospects by broadening your perspective, such as through volunteering in several organizations or NGOs, participating in meetings organized by the residential or college societies, joining extracurricular activities and connecting with people from various backgrounds, etc.


Carry yourself as a confident person, avoid seeming too casual, and, above all, remember to constantly follow up and be grateful for any assistance you receive.

If you’re attentive to what you’re placing out there, try to maintain that image of yourself, and keep it updated and active, you’ll likely see possibilities and perks you didn’t realize earlier.

Human Resource India is an eminent organization that assists candidates in crossing the challenges of recruitment. Our industry experts equip the candidates with top-notch hacks and skills that help our candidates clear all the steps on the placement ladder.


Our agency is prominent in building resumes. Writers at HRI are determined to offer finest quality resume writing services. Not only we support you amidst the procedure, but we also train and construct you into a personality that the interviewer has been hunting for. Aim for your dream job and let HRI be your weapon.

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