How to Write a Resume for a Job in 2022

A resume is a detailed document that is used to apply for a job. It summarises your experience in the industry and accomplishments, as well as several other critical facts about your background. Needless to mention, the importance of a resume is profound. Putting up a strong résumé might be one of the most challenging aspects of the job-hunting process. To get a job, your CV should act as your dominant component. While making a resume, we suggest keeping it precise and captivating in terms of highlighting your experiences and learning. 


It is a fact that employers pay approximately eight seconds to review a CV before examining it or toss it into the rejection heap. It is crucial to build an impressive Resume and CV with a standard structure in practice. We acknowledge the importance of opportunities, and understand the risk involved. Therefore, we are here to provide you with the best tips that you can implement to build an amazing Resume. 

Tips for Writing a Great Resume in 2022

Following are best tips for resume writing in 2022. Consider implementing the suggestions in this article to ensure that your documents fits the standards of the recruiters in 2022.

Comply with the current trend of Hiring

A candidate who remains updated with the latest headlines of job hunting and recent trends in hiring may build a more professional resume.


For example: 

– The trend toward working remotely has been in demand. A candidate who can function distantly or is ready for a remote position is relatively easy to recruit. 

– Finding the right keyword or following the right trend may make a significant difference in creating an attractive employment resume. 

– The keywords in the job description will be the skills, capabilities, and experience that the company is looking for in a candidate, so ensuring that you cover all of these areas in your document is essential.

Use a Simple Resume Format

Follow a standard format : Put your latest or present employment at the top of the structure. If you’re going via an applicant tracking system, this layout is the best option since the system can monitor all the details. It works in an organised ATS-readable manner. Your job role, organisation, and employment durations should be explicitly represented on your resume.


Include the following in the  header : A resume header should contain your name, email address (choose a professional one), contact number, and other essential things.


Segments should be clearly presented: You should place your job history portion at the top of your resume, unless you have a compelling reason to put it towards the bottom. You must be concise and captivating with what you write. 


Make sure your it is polished and error-free : Remember to double-check your grammar, capitalisation, typos, and sentence structure before putting in your resume or mailing it by standard mail. Ensure that you are presenting the recruiter with your finest work, which displays a high level of professionalism.

Strengthen Your Resume for ATS

The use of applicant tracking systems (ATS) improves the efficiency of the hiring process. Depending on the information and criteria of the potential employer, the resume data is sorted into several categories and keywords are searched for in the resume. The document which does not match this requirement is discarded. In large corporations, it’s used to remove unwanted applications.

Include your Top Achievements

Your resume provides you with an opportunity to demonstrate your worth to a hiring manager. According to industry experts, quantitative data is often an essential feature you can include on your resume to put forth a worthy impact. One must also illustrate precisely what one has gained from a particular experience. 


Using action verbs can help you stand out from the competition and show that you are attentive and competent. For optimal results, begin each sentence with an active voice. Use formal words. You would not like to stuff it with heavy and fancy words. Estimate numbers that reflect your achievements in perspective and demonstrate to potential employers what you can do for their organisation if recruited.

Customised Resume for Every Job

By tailoring your resume to every job you seek, you significantly increase your odds of being invited for screening. Spend the time to thoroughly study the job description, consider how your knowledge and talents match the role needed to be fulfilled and then edit your document appropriately. This job description contains various hints about what the firm expects to view in a respondent’s resume. It is your responsibility to make the most of these opportunities. 

Determine the length of your resume

Building a resume that is lengthy may cause employers to get confused about the most relevant experience to highlight and, most importantly, may make you look to be a boastful individual. A resume that is too brief may convey the impression that you are unqualified for the position.


– If you are a graduate student or have less than five years of professional experience, keep your resume to one page.

– After ten years in the business, you’ve achieved your way to the next page of the resume. For an experienced professional with ten years of experience, a one-page resume may be difficult to go through and contain all of the significant achievements and keywords.

– Three pages should be used only if you have given a public speech, conducted a specialised study, or written and published items.

Prepare a Cover Letter

After you’ve created a well-organised resume, the following step is to write a cover letter. Specialists believe that the first paragraph of a cover letter is the perfect way to develop a relationship with the firm. Minimise acronyms and symbols in your communications, and double-check for mistakes. In the hiring process, cover letters are essential. By sending a follow-up query to the Human Resource department, candidates may improve their chances in the initial procedure. A cover letter should be no more than four paragraphs in length.


Jobs will not be as easy to come by in 2022 and the following years. Students who have just graduated cannot ask for assistance from someone who has been working or prospecting with years of experience. 


Whatever the future holds, one thing is for certain: a smart working individual will continue to outperform the hardworking person in terms of appeal and popularity in the job sector in the coming years. The person, regardless of their area of study or previous work experience, has a good chance of landing a better career opportunity with the support of these resume writing recommendations.


We at Human Resource India helps you build resumes so that you can achieve your dream job. Our team puts forth customer-centric and result-oriented resume writing services. Our services have helped a lot of students and working professionals land their dream jobs.

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